A lot of people get really scared of removing a tooth – it’s going to hurt, how painful it’s going to be. I can promise you that I’ve heard all kinds of stories from patients about how ‘the last guy pulled my tooth did this, or did that,’ and then all of a sudden, they’re out of the chair and their tooth’s removed, and they had a very comfortable experience.
So if you have a broken-down tooth that needs to be removed, come see me, and I’ll make sure we remove that tooth very gently and find a solution for you to replace that tooth.
When we remove teeth now, 95 percent of the time, we’re putting bone back into that area so that your jawbone doesn’t shrink down.
So if you’re going to get a dental extraction and your dentist is not talking to you about a bone graft, then make sure you seek some more advice. Come see me, and let me educate you and tell you why that bone graft is so important for you so that you can replace that missing tooth.