October is a month often filled with candy and other sugary treats. But as your dentist, we’d like to recommend an option that is good for your smile: apples. They’ve long been a traditional part of Halloween as part of bobbing for apples games. They’re also a snack we can get behind, as they do some great things for your teeth. 

Check out this short video, which has some fun and interesting facts about the fruit. Did you know that there are more than 7,500 kinds of apples? 

We’ll add some tooth-centered facts:

  • Since they have lots of fiber and high water content, apples can help scrub and rinse your teeth clean – almost like a natural “toothbrush.”
  • The actions of chewing and munching also encourage saliva flow. This helps eliminate bacteria and other cavity-causing substances. 
  • Apples contain malic acid, a substance that helps break up plaque. 

For the greatest benefit, don’t remove the skin. It’s packed with nutrients and fiber.

Eating the right kinds of food really helps keep your smile in shape. Of course, you’ll need to brush and floss every day too. And visit our Royal Oak, MI every six months for exams and cleanings

Our professional cleanings remove any bacteria that has gotten into nooks and crannies you may have missed at home. Exams allow us to find cavities and other problems when they are easiest to treat.

To schedule your next cleaning and exam, call North Oaks Dental today at 248-712-1522 (Royal Oak) 248-963-1969 (New Hudson) 586-685-7937 (Sterling Heights)