What you put in your mouth directly affects your overall health. A bad diet can lead to the increase risk of tooth decay or gum disease. Our Royal Oak MI dental office is here to help you maintain a better smile and fight off any problems. Much of that comes with maintaining your dental cleanings and exams, but you play the biggest role in the health of your teeth.

North Oaks Dental has a few tips for how you can keep your mouth healthier. We dentists love to tell patients what types of foods can damaged teeth (sugary treats and sodas), but here are a few things that are great for your teeth. When you come to our office, we can sit you down and discuss the best way to care for your teeth. We even have nutritional counseling for adults and children. Call us today at 248-712-1522 (Royal Oak) 248-963-1969 (New Hudson) 586-685-7937 (Sterling Heights) .

  • Crunchy Fruits — Fruits like apples and pears that have a nice crunch to them are great for your teeth. These fruits are not filled with sugar and create healthy saliva in the mouth. The saliva helps you flush out food debris and harmful acids and bacteria in the mouth. Having an apple in the middle of the day or after a meal is a great way to keep your mouth clean between brushing.
  •  Dairy — Foods like milk, cheese and yogurt can be great for your teeth. The big advantage to these foods is that they lower the acid levels in your mouth. Having a high acid level in your mouth increases the risks of tooth decay. Types of dairy like yogurt and milk contain vitamin D, which is great for bone strength and development.
  • Gum (sugar-free) — Chewing gum isn’t always bad for your teeth. Gum, especially sugar-free gum, has two important qualities: it can help strengthen the jaw muscles and it creates healthy saliva levels in the mouth.
  •  Nuts — Nuts like cashews and almonds have a fiber, iron, calcium and folic acid and great vitamins that are healthy for your smile and body. Peanuts and cashews can also stimulate healthy levels of saliva in the mouth.
  • Strawberries —  While some citrus fruits have a high amount of acids (oranges and lemons) that can damage your teeth, strawberries are great for your teeth. Strawberries are packed with fiber and vitamin C. A healthy amount of Vitamin will produce collagen, which is great for gum health.

Everyday Ways to Improve Your Oral Health

  • Drinking water — Every dentist or doctor will tell you to that water is your healthiest beverage option. It contains no sugar and flushes out food particles from your mouth. Constant dry mouth is also a common symptom of people who have gum disease.
  • Avoid sports drinks — They are marketed for the athlete or those with an active life, but the truth is that sports drinks have a ton of sugar. The most popular sports drinks have about 30 grams of sugar in every 20 ounces.
  • Sticky candies — Almost any candy is bad for your teeth, but sticky candies are especially dangerous. The sticky candies stay on the teeth longer and hide in hard-to-clean areas. This gives the sugar more time to produce harmful acids in the mouth.

These are just a few things you can do to make your smile a little better and brighter. We offer preventive dental care for you and your loved ones. We’d love to meet with you to discuss your smile goals. Give us a call today at 248-712-1522 (Royal Oak) 248-963-1969 (New Hudson) 586-685-7937 (Sterling Heights) .