Dental pain: It’s a concern that every person lives with. We don’t want to be in dental pain. We don’t want dental pain at home or especially not in the dental chair. So what can a dentist do to eliminate dental pain? Our Royal Oak Michigan dental office has a number of ways to eliminate dental pain and relief your dental issues.

When you come to North Oaks Dental, you’ll be working with experts in the field. We have multiple doctors in our office to treat your every need, from getting you out of dental pain to helping you achieve your dental goals. If you need a great dentist, give us a call today at 248-712-1522 (Royal Oak) 248-963-1969 (New Hudson) 586-685-7937 (Sterling Heights) . Today we want to show you a few ways our office is eliminating dental pain for our patients.

Using Elite Practices and Technology

If you have pain in the dental chair, you should seriously think twice about going to that dentist. There is no reason for you to be uncomfortable in the dental chair. We have a number of ways to keep you comfortable. The reason is because we’ve infested in the latest technology and techniques. Our office is trained in the latest practices to help you stay comfortable in the chair.

And, we have precise digital tools that allow us to plan out treatments to make the procedures more successful while reducing pain. For instance, our 3-D scanner, which few dental offices have, allows us to precisely plan out dental implant procedures to find the most appropriate location for the implant. The better the technology and training, the better your experience will be.

Take Advantage of Sedation Dentistry

If you have dental fear, you’re often expected to deal with it during your dental exams or procedures. Not here! If you’re fearful of a treatment or need extensive dental treatment, we can provide comfortable sedation dentistry. The sedation dentistry allows you to stay comfortable in the dental chair instead of sweating through your clothes. We offer a full range of sedation options, from nitrous oxide to strong IV sedation. We recommend sedation to help patients relax — or for those patients who need multiple treatments completed at once. You’d be surprised how well sedation helps patients deal with their treatments and even enjoy their visits. Many of our patients who use sedation find themselves not needing it after a few visits!

Advanced Laser to Remove Infections

Gum disease is one of the scariest dental problems you can have. Advanced gum disease can destroy your gums and the underlying bone. This problem isn’t rare either. It will affect about 50 percent of all Americans by the age of 30, and seniors face a 70 percent risk of attaining gum disease. Worse yet, gum disease has been linked to heart disease, high blood pressure, and even diabetes.

To treat this problem, we’re using laser dentistry. Instead of cutting or stitching the gums, the laser allows us to remove the infection in the gums without using a scalpel or stitches. The laser is essentially pain-free and the recovery time is much faster than traditional gum surgery.

These are just a few ways we can eliminate your dental pain. Of courswe, there is so much more to learn. For instance, North Oaks Dental has two orthodontists to handle your alignment needs. You can start by giving us a call today at 248-712-1522 (Royal Oak) 248-963-1969 (New Hudson) 586-685-7937 (Sterling Heights) to book a visit.