If your teeth and gums are in need of professional help but you are paralyzed by dental anxiety and fear, you can get the comfortable care you deserve right here. And when you arrive at our Royal Oak, MI dental office for an appointment, we will never lecture you. Instead, we will be ready to pamper you with amenities and to administer the safe and effective dental sedation that can get you to relax while we get right to work on the situation in your mouth. In the video clip below you’ll hear from Adam who let his oral health go for far too long out of fear and ended up with a dental emergency that we were able to help him work through. Take a look, and keep in mind that you don’t have to let things go any longer because all you have to do is call us at 248-712-1522 (Royal Oak) 248-963-1969 (New Hudson) 586-685-7937 (Sterling Heights) or contact us online to schedule your convenient appointment at North Oaks Dental.