Summer can be big fun in Royal Oak MI, but it can also be a dangerous time for your smile. So, we want you to know that should anything go awry at the pool or during your next cookout, our dental office will be here to help you work through any dental emergencies. To that end, we’re offering same-day emergency appointments whenever possible! Keep reading to hear more about our services. Then you can plan to contact our office at 248-712-1522 (Royal Oak) 248-963-1969 (New Hudson) 586-685-7937 (Sterling Heights) any time you’re experiencing a time-sensitive dental problem.

What Constitutes A Dental Emergency?

If you are experiencing pain, consider that an emergency! This can be a mysterious problem that comes on suddenly or the immediate aftermath of unwelcome situations like:

  • Broken Teeth
  • Cracked Teeth
  • Tooth Abscesses
  • A Loose or Damaged Crown
  • A Lost Tooth

Losing a tooth as an adult is often one of the scariest dental emergencies you can experience. Act quickly and call us immediately to see if we can see you right away, because it’s been shown that you’re more likely to be able to save a tooth if it’s treated within the first hour after it’s come loose or been knocked out.

In some instances, the roots can reattached, but you might need a root canal to save the tooth. If the tooth is unable to be saved, we can use one of our reliable tooth replacement options like dental implants. One way or another, we’ll get your oral health back on track fast.

How Can A Patient Minimize Their Risk?

Dental emergencies are seldom life-threatening but they can be life-changing, and not in a good way. While it is impossible to predict or prevent such emergencies in many cases, there are some things you can do to lower your overall risk:

  • Keep up with your regular dental cleanings and exams so we can monitor the health of your teeth and gums all year round. This will prevent minor issues from escalating into larger and more costly problems!
  • No putting off the care you need. If it’s been recommended that you get dental care, it’s better to act sooner rather than later. This could save your smile!
  • Wear a mouthguard. If you’re participating in summer sports or your children are, everyone needs to wear a mouthguard. Don’t take unnecessary chances.
  • Never use your teeth as a tool or a bottle opener!
  • Don’t chew on ice or seeds or bones.
  • Never run on the wet concrete near a pool.
  • Drive carefully and defensively while on vacation.

What Are You Waiting For?

We have the know-how to save your smile this summer and beyond. If you’re ready to get started at our comprehensive dental office, all you have to do is now call us at 248-712-1522 (Royal Oak) 248-963-1969 (New Hudson) 586-685-7937 (Sterling Heights) or contact us online to schedule your next easy appointment at North Oaks Dental. If you are experiencing an emergency, please stop whatever you are doing and get in touch right away!