Can you answer yes to any of these questions?

  • Do you have fear about going to the dentist?
  • Have you heard awful stories from others about their dental experiences?
  • Do you put off making dental appointments because of anxiety?
  • Do you have a strong gag reflex?

If you answered yes to any of them, you’re certainly not alone. Sedation dentistry at North Oaks Dental can help! Call our office today if you have any questions about sedation or would like to schedule your next visit! 248-712-1522.

It is a widespread myth that going to the dentist has to be a painful, unpleasant experience. That’s just not so at our Royal Oak, MI dentist office. We love to take a new patient who is fearful and anxious and turn them into a lifelong patient who receives the regular dental care they need to keep their smile healthy and beautiful.

Our expert team of dentists and caring, compassionate staff strive to deliver an uncommon patient experience. Our goal is to care for your smile with minimal discomfort and for you to leave our office feeling better than when you came.

One way we’re able to deliver such a great experience to our patients is through the wonders of modern sedation. We are well-trained in the latest advances in sedation dentistry, so you’ll look back on your visit with us with good memories, not bad ones. You won’t have any horror stories to tell about your experience with North Oaks Dental.

You may not know exactly what sedation dentistry is, or what the different types of sedation are. Plus, you may have even wondered which type would work best for your individual needs.

Get the Scoop on Sedation Types

Sedation. One definition of the word reads like this: “The inducing of a relaxed easy state especially by the use of sedatives.”

Here at North Oaks Dental, we offer several great options for sedation. We want to make sure you receive the kind of comfortable, easy dental care our patients have come to expect from us. If thinking about getting your teeth cleaned or having fillings placed makes you nervous and anxious, our team will make sure you’re completely relaxed before we begin your procedure.

Some types of sedation work better for certain people and their situations than other types do. Some of our patients know exactly what kind of sedation they like and don’t like. Other patients know very little about the different sedation options. Either way is fine with us. We just want to make sure you have all the information you need to make informed choices.

Below are the types of sedation we have available in our Royal Oak office:

  • Nitrous oxide (“laughing gas”)
  • Oral conscious sedation
  • IV sedation

Learn Which Sedation Type May Work Best For You

Our goal is to make you completely comfortable and relaxed about your dental procedure. If you experience only mild anxiety, however, we don’t want to go overboard. The idea is to administer just enough sedative to alleviate all your anxiety, but not give you too much.

Nitrous Oxide

The mildest type of sedation is nitrous oxide. Most people know nitrous oxide by its more common name “laughing gas.”

If your anxiety is fairly mild and you just need a gentle sedative option, nitrous oxide may be just for you. You’ll be completely awake but relaxed and slightly euphoric. Our dentist will have you slip on a comfortable mask, and you’ll breathe in a precise mixture of nitrous oxide and oxygen to create the sedative effect.

The effects of nitrous oxide wear off quickly, and many people are able to drive themselves home after their procedure. Laughing gas is even safe and effective for children, especially those who have trouble sitting still very long.

Oral Conscious Sedation

Oral conscious sedation involves taking an easy-to-swallow pill about an hour before your procedure. Dr. Daboul or another dentist will give you a prescription for the pill ahead of time.

Just as the name implies, you’ll remain awake and conscious during your procedure, although you’ll feel drowsy and groggy. You may not remember much about your procedure afterward. Some people do fall asleep with oral sedation, especially if a higher dose is prescribed.

Oral conscious sedation is a good choice if you have mild to moderate anxiety about your dental work, or if you just want more of a sedative effect than what nitrous oxide offers.

IV Sedation

If going to the dentist causes you a great deal of anxiety, then IV sedation may be the best choice for you. To relieve your anxiety and set your nerves completely at ease, we’ll give you a sedative intravenously. It will begin working immediately to calm you. IV sedation is a great choice if you’re having a lot of work done at one time, or if your gag reflex is very strong.

Our team is highly skilled and trained to administer IV sedation safely and comfortably, and to make sure your mind and body are completely relaxed before your procedure.

Call Our Office For Great Sedation Options

As you can see, North Oaks Dental has a variety of effective ways to calm your nerves and remove any anxiety about your dental visit. There’s no reason you should let anxiety cause your smile and oral health to suffer.

Give our office a call today at 248-712-1522, and we’ll discuss in more detail which sedation option will suit your needs best. Don’t put off getting that great smile any longer!