Our Royal Oaks Michigan dental office is here to treat any number of dental issues. We pride ourselves on helping patients of all ages and complications overcome their smile flaws — sometimes in just one visit. We have multiple dentists skilled in all facets of general dentistry, and we can treat larger dental problems like missing teeth or severe gum infections.

But today we want to show you 3 ways we can help you prevent dental problems. Prevention is always much easier and cheaper than restorative dentistry. Whenever you prevent issues, you’ll avoid painful dental trips or costly dental bills. Here’s how we can help keep your mouth clean and beautiful.

Regular Cleanings and Exams

This probably isn’t the first time you’ve heard about this, but it’s worth repeating. Too often patients believe that a regular visit is just about checking to see if there are cavities present. That’s a big part of the visit, but it’s hardly the only part. During the visit, our skilled hygiene team will clean off harmful plaque and tartar that has built up on the teeth. Tartar, which is hardened plaque, can lead to dental decay or even gum infections. We also polish the teeth to make it less likely for plaque and harmful bacteria to stick to the surface of the teeth.

Additionally, we can provide preventive treatments like fluoride treatments or dental sealants to prevent the risk of cavities.

Straighten Teeth With Orthodontics

Straight teeth are often seen as only a cosmetic dental issue, but we also consider teeth-straightening to be preventive. Straight teeth not only look better, but they perform better. What we mean by that is that straight teeth reduces your risk of future dental problems. Here are a few things straight teeth can do:

  • Straight teeth are easier to clean — Straight teeth may improve your oral health because they are easier to remove harmful bacteria and plaque from your mouth.
  • Straight teeth reduce the risk of injuries — Whenever the teeth are straighten, the bite is balanced. This reduces the risk of tooth chips or even fractures.
  • Orthodontics help with jaw pains — A bad bite can cause tooth pain or jaw pains. That can lead to constant headaches or even painful clicking or popping of the jaw. Orthodontics can straighten out this problem

Removing Your Wisdom Teeth

Removing wisdom teeth is a common procedure that we dentists do to prevent dental pain or the preserve good alignment. The problem with wisdom teeth is that they almost always grow in at an angle, so if they are allowed to fully erupt, they can disrupt the alignment of your mouth. Or, it’s very likely to have what is known as an impacted wisdom tooth, which has a higher risk of dental decay.
While removing a wisdom tooth or all of your wisdom teeth (most people will have four) does require oral surgery, it prevents painful or troublesome dental problems.

Find All of Your Dental Need at North Oaks Dental

These are just a few ways to prevent smile problems. We have much more to offer, and we can ever restore your dental problems. Our Royal Oaks MI dental office is ready to help you regardless of your dental ailment. You can start your treat by giving us a call today at 248-712-1522 (Royal Oak) 248-963-1969 (New Hudson) 586-685-7937 (Sterling Heights) or using the online form to schedule an appointment. We can’t wait to meet you.