Avoid an Extraction With Expert Root Canal Care

When cavities go untreated or teeth become injured, bacteria can reach the sensitive pulp inside your tooth, leading to intense discomfort. But there’s good news – the team at North Oaks Dental can relieve your pain with gentle root canal therapy.

Don’t let myths about root canals hold you back. Modern root canal treatment doesn’t cause pain; it eliminates it. At North Oaks Dental, we combine advanced techniques with the latest technology to ensure your complete comfort. We’ll thoroughly numb your tooth, and offer three levels of sedation, so you can relax throughout your root canal procedure.

Here is what you can expect:

  • Removal of the Infection – Your dentist will clear away infection from inside your tooth. You’ll gain immediate relief from your discomfort.
  • Thorough Cleaning – They will carefully clean the root canal system using advanced techniques to ensure no bacteria remains.
  • Sealing the Tooth – Your dentist will seal your tooth with a biocompatible material. It will prevent future infection and protect your natural tooth.
  • Restoration – Your treatment is completed when your dentist places a durable crown on your treated tooth. It will restore your smile’s strength and appearance.

Call 586-685-7937 for root canals in Sterling Heights. You can also ​​schedule online.