Today we’d like to share a brief video from our friends at the ADA, in which they explain how dental insurance typically works in the U.S. With it being January, your insurance benefits (that likely cover your checkups and preventive cleanings) have probably been reset for the new year. That means there should be nothing holding you back from calling North Oaks Dental at 248-712-1522 (Royal Oak) 248-963-1969 (New Hudson) 586-685-7937 (Sterling Heights) to request your next dental exam with our team.

It is always better to not put off this kind of care because in the event that you have anything problematic going on in your mouth, or if you’d like to address any cosmetic issues this year, we can get right to work. Keep in mind that beyond dental insurance, we also accept numerous payment options, including third-party financing from companies like CareCredit, to keep your more advanced treatments within reach.