One of the benefits of Invisalign treatment is its simplicity. You wear each set of custom-made aligners about two weeks, then move to the next aligners in your treatment plan. Still, it’s not completely foolproof. You should follow our advice to ensure you get great results from Invisalign.

If you’re still looking at your orthodontics options, call us today at 248-712-1522 (Royal Oak) 248-963-1969 (New Hudson) 586-685-7937 (Sterling Heights) to schedule a free consultation in our Royal Oak, MI office. 

In the meantime, in case you choose Invisalign, see some ways that will help you get your most beautiful smile using Invisalign aligners:

  • Wear Them According to Plan – Wear them in the proper order and for the suggested time frame, usually two weeks. In addition, don’t be tempted to take them out too often. To keep your treatment on track, we suggest wearing aligners 22 hours a day. Take them out only for meals and oral hygiene. 
  • Stop Staining – If you drink anything other than water when wearing your aligners, you risk staining them. Beverages like coffee, red wine, and tea are especially likely to discolor your aligners. Hot liquids like coffee can cause more problems by warping the plastic. 
  • Keep Aligners in a Case – The ease of removing your aligners is convenient, but it also makes it easy to lose them. A surprising number of aligners are accidentally tossed into the trash at restaurants or left sitting on a sink away from home. To avoid this, keep your aligners in a case whenever they’re not in your mouth. Stow extra cases at work, in your car, or anywhere else you spend a lot of time. 
  • Don’t Discard Used Aligners Right Away – Keep your previous set of aligners when you switch to a new set. That way, if you misplace an aligner, you can wear the spare one until you receive a replacement. 
  • Use Proper Cleaning Methods – Because abrasive toothpaste can scratch aligners, we recommend using a mild antibacterial soap instead. Always use a soft-bristled toothbrush and a gentle touch on your aligners. 
  • Switch to New Aligners Before Bedtime – Most people find Invisalign far more comfortable than metal braces. Still you’ll often feel pressure when you first switch to a new set of aligners. To reduce discomfort, you can put your new aligners in before bedtime. Chances are, you won’t notice the mild pressure during the night.

Ready to find out more about Invisalign? Call North Oaks Dental at 248-712-1522 (Royal Oak) 248-963-1969 (New Hudson) 586-685-7937 (Sterling Heights) for a free consultation.