Do you ever lie about flossing when you visit the dentist? According to a Delta Dental survey, only about four in 10 Americans floss every day and 20 percent never floss. We don’t have statistics on the number of people who fib about their flossing, but it’s a safe bet it’s pretty high.

If you’re one of them and you’ve wondered whether you can fool our Royal Oak, MI dentists, the answer in a word is “no.” Watch this video from the American Dental Association to see what we mean.

Our office is a judgment-free zone, so we want you to tell us the truth about flossing – and everything else related to your oral health. You won’t get a lecture; we promise. In fact, we’re happy to help you improve your flossing technique and suggest some products that can help you better clean your teeth. Call North Oaks Dental at 248-712-1522 (Royal Oak) 248-963-1969 (New Hudson) 586-685-7937 (Sterling Heights) .