Our teeth and gums can change as we age. One problem we frequently see in adults who visit our Royal Oak MI dental office is gum recession.

Gum recession is a problem because it exposes too much of the teeth and increases the risk of cavities. Plus, it damages the appearance of your smile. At North Oaks Dental, we’re treating gum recession without surgery or using painful scalpels and stitches. We’re using a modern technique called the pinhole technique (please note that Dr. Daboul is the only doctor in our practice certified to perform this technique). Dr. Daboul is one of maybe 10 or 15 dentists in Michigan able to do this procedure.

The technique is simple and often completed in one visit. If you’re struggling with gum recession, you need to look into this service. You can call today at 248-712-1522 (Royal Oak) 248-963-1969 (New Hudson) 586-685-7937 (Sterling Heights) to book your first appointment. And check out this video below for an in-depth description of this treatment.