Dental emergencies involving broken teeth, abscesses, or traumatic injuries can be extremely uncomfortable and stressful. However, many common dental issues arise gradually over time from lapses in daily oral care. Having a prevention-focused routine will protect your smile and keep your teeth intact. But if you are dealing with an urgent dental care situation, give us a call at 248-712-1522 (Royal Oak) 248-963-1969 (New Hudson) right away. In the meantime, we’re sharing tips on how you can avoid a dental emergency:

  • Brush Properly

Rushing through brushing routines fails to clean the plaque from tooth surfaces and clean your gumline. Set a two-minute timer and brush gently at 45-degree angles, methodically covering all sides of your teeth, including the front, back and chewing surfaces. Opt for soft-bristled brushes and nitric oxide toothpastes that deter bacteria growth.

  • Floss Regularly

Flossing your teeth removes decay-causing bacteria and trapped food particles that can lead to cavities or gum disease. You can’t reach these types of spaces with just brushing. Floss daily at least once before bedtime, right before you brush your teeth. 

  • Use Fluoride-Based Products

Fluoride can strengthen your tooth enamel and help prevent cavities. Use toothpaste and mouth rinses containing fluoride. Be sure to ask about fluoride treatments at your next appointment and find out if that’s necessary to further protect your smile.

  • Limit Sugars

When sugar blends in with the bacteria in your saliva, it puts you at greater risk for cavities and other oral health problems. Limit sugary snacks and cut out sipping on sugary drinks between meals. Rinse promptly after consuming sweets to limit your tooth’s exposure. Prioritize more tooth-friendly foods like cheeses, nuts, vegetables, and plain water which stimulate neutralizing saliva flow.

  • Use Custom Sports Guards

If you play sports, skip low-quality boil-and-bite mouthguards. These options inadequately protect smiles. Get custom-made guards from your dentist to ensure complete coverage and avoid damaging your smile during sports. 

  • See Us Regularly for Checkups

Consistent cleanings and exams every six months (or as directed) will keep oral health issues at bay. We can spot problems before they lead to emergencies.

  • Address Problems Right Away 

See your dentist immediately about tooth pain, bleeding when you brush or floss, or any tooth sensitivities. Catching any concerning areas before they worsen often means easier and inexpensive treatments.

  • Reduce Stress

Chronic stress can cause you to skip important routines and potentially lead to teeth grinding and clenching during the daytime and nighttime hours. Incorporate stress reduction techniques to reduce your stress levels.  

If you are dealing with an emergency, give us a call. We’ll try to see you the same day whenever possible. Remember, sticking diligently to a complete prevention plan, including both thorough personal home care practices and professional reinforcement, will help you avoid a dental emergency. If you haven’t had your checkup, call 248-712-1522 (Royal Oak) 248-963-1969 (New Hudson) for an appointment. You can also  ​​schedule online.