Everyone’s teeth are different, and not all teeth are made equally. People can lose their teeth overtime because of decay or gum disease issues. And others simply have a less-than ideal smile. Luckily for all of those people, our Royal Oak Michigan dental office can help.

One service we’re proud to offer is same-day smile dentistry. The idea is simple. We correct all of your dental problems in a single day — even if you need to have failing teeth replaced. We use a combination of technology, training, and even sedation dentistry options to complete all of your smile solutions in a single day.

If you have bad teeth or teeth you’ve been told cannot be saved, give us a call to hear about our solutions. It’s possible we can give you a better, brighter smile in just one visit. Give us a call today at 248-712-1522 (Royal Oak) 248-963-1969 (New Hudson) 586-685-7937 (Sterling Heights) to book a visit.

Here’s more about why we offer same-day solutions: