We dentists don’t love the idea of children munching on candy, but Halloween is nearly upon us. It’s the season of costumes, scary movies, and candy. Lots of candy, in many cases. But before you send your child going door-to-door looking for tasty treats, take a look at a few of these Halloween do’s and don’ts from your Royal Oak dentist.

North Oaks Dental is a full-service dental office that treats patients of all ages and dental complications. One huge area of our practice deals with is family dentistry. We love treating children and showing them the path to a better, bright smile. We have multiple dentists in our office as well, so you can schedule your entire family’s appointments on one day. Give us a call today 248-712-1522 (Royal Oak) 248-963-1969 (New Hudson) 586-685-7937 (Sterling Heights) to book those visits. In the meantime, we want to give you some advice to follow this Halloween season.

Understand the “Good” and “Bad” Sweets

You probably already know that consuming foods high in sugar put you at a great risk of tooth decay. The reason is because bacteria in your mouth, which is produced by acid, feeds on carbohydrates like sugar. Exposing your teeth to a ton of sugar is unhealthy for your mouth and overall health. But there are some candies and sweets that are worse than others.

When considering the “best” type of candy, think about the texture and how how it stays on the teeth. For instance, candies that are high in sugar and sticky are some of the worst for your teeth. Hard candy is also troublesome because it stays in your mouth for a longer period of time. The other problem candy is sour candy, which is often extremely acidic. Foods high in acid can weaken the enamel of your teeth and make them more susceptible to tooth decay.

If your child is going to indulge in sweets, most dentists agree that chocolate is the best, especially dark chocolate. It’s sugar content isn’t as high as some candies and it easily washes away from the teeth. We also encourage children and adults to chew sugar-free gum. In addition to having no sugar, this gum will produce saliva that will wash away food debris.

Health Halloween Habits

During your child’s big night of Trick-Or-Treating, it’s best to oversee their candy intake and make sure they clean their teeth. While your child may come home with a big haul of candy, we suggest using moderation. Munching on candy all day will increase the risk of tooth decay. So if you’re child is going to eat candy, don’t allow them to snack all day long and urge them to drink plenty of water to clean off the sugar and food debris after their snack.

Of course, one of the biggest things you can do is to maintain a healthy oral health routine. Whether it’s Halloween or any other day of the year, your child needs an oral health routine that is easy to follow … and fun. There are plenty of free dental apps that help children brush their teeth for the recommended two minutes at a time. These apps also provide flossing tips.

We hope you and your children have a safe and fun-filled Halloween. And if you haven’t scheduled your family’s second dental visit this year, give us a call today at 248-712-1522 (Royal Oak) 248-963-1969 (New Hudson) 586-685-7937 (Sterling Heights) . We look forward to seeing you in our office.